Donate Today
Donate Today
Donate with Zelle:
Name: Rippling Waters
Phone: (303)-885-0262
Mailing Address for Donation Checks:
4594 South Akron St.
Greenwood Village, 80111
Get in Touch
If you have questions about Rippling Waters, Kego Orphanage, or sending in a donation please use the form below to contact us.
In an effort to keep costs low Rippling Waters does not employ administrative staff to respond to emails, so please be patient when waiting for a response.
Get in Touch
Kego Orphanage is a Ceritified Community-Based Organization in the Republic of Kenya. Rippling Waters is an official 501(c)(3) organization in the United States that works to help support Kego Orphanage.
100% of all donations received at Rippling Waters go directly to helping the children of Kego Orphanage.
Administrative costs are paid separately.