Vision for KEGO Orphanage
The Future of KEGO
- Develop a $70K operating base for the annual operating budget of KEGO through recurring donations.
- Develop a separate $30K building fund to build out the upper campus over the next 5 years and provide better classrooms, lunch facilities, latrines and a soccer field for the children.
- See details of longer-term vision for the upper campus as seen on the site plan.
Why Donate to KEGO Orphanage?
- 100% of donations go to paying for KEGO Orphanage operations and development.
- 100% of administrative costs paid by Rippling Waters (not by donors)
- Rippling Waters is an official 501(c)(3).

Upper Campus Goals
A master plan has been created for the site with the help of the County Land Planner that adheres to all local building codes and regulations.
All new building would come from the separate development fund.
- Funding has been secured for 8th and 9th grade buildings in our 2023 Pledge Drive.
- Build class gardens for each new class that arrives and teach the children how to layout and build a garden, plant and tend a garden and harvest their own food.
- Create a space for children to play and enjoy competition with other schools in the county by building KEGO's own soccer field and volleyball courts
- A good portion of this work can be accomplished with local community involvement and direction from our Board of Directors.
Long-Term Vision for KEGO
Longer term goal is to move the whole campus to the upper site and create a vocational/entrepreneurial campus on the lower site.
This campus will focus on providing vocational training for applicable trades in the region.
- Bring in local business people to mentor the children and teach them trades and skills in running a business.
- Classes on electrical trades, plumbing trades, basic business planning and operations, motorcycle and car repair and computer tech.
We will adjust the curriculum as required to offer the best chance to change the lives of these children and their families as they learn to take charge of their futures.
The KEGO teachers in 2019.